Tight Building Envelope? Why You Want One!

What is a tight building envelope? If you are going to build your own home, read our tips.
Home Building

A building envelope is a combination of the foundation, wall and roof assemblies all working together to provide a safe and comfortable environment for you and your family while maintaining the structural integrity of your home. In other words, it keeps your home tightly sealed to prevent the outdoors from coming in. The more tightly sealed your home, the less energy loss you will have. A tight building envelope:

  • Holds up the building
  • Keeps out the rain, groundwater, wind and moisture vapor
  • Keeps out soil gas, such as radon
  • Removes moisture vapor from the inside your home
  • Keeps the heat in during the winter and out during the summer thereby reducing heating and air conditioning costs
  • Prevents insect and vermin infestation
  • Prevents condensation inside a building's foundation, walls and roof assemblies.

Air tightness is extremely important when reducing a home's energy usage. As much as 40 percent of a home's heating and cooling loss is due to air leakage. Products that can provide you with a tight building envelope benefit the comfort and health of you and your family as well as decrease the impact on the environment by reducing your energy cost.

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