One thing that's been getting a lot of attention lately is the small, or even tiny, house movement, and justifiably so! Contemporary housing trends are all moving toward a less-is-more approach, whether that means clean, minimalist design, or maximizing your use of all existing space. A good architect and builder will be able to design you a comfortable home at any size, and we want you to know that the UBuildIt team can go as big or as small as you want!
According to Census data, the average size for a home built in 2014 was a 2,453 square feet, but the tiny house movement has been steadily gaining steam, thanks in part to the Netflix original series TINY that examines the lives and designs behind these little houses. A host of other factors, including rising real estate prices, student debt, and environmental concerns, have encouraged many families to downsize.
There are some tiny house extremists, like parents of two teenagers sharing a 201 square foot home on wheels, but you might be surprised how big 1,000 feet can feel! For example, take a look at this post on Curbed from Tuesday, October 6, that features a converted Victorian carriage house that's only 5,520 square feet! And this house was built a hundred years ago, so just imagine what a present-day construction plan might be able to do with that amount of space!
So what are the advantages to a smaller home? Plenty! Here are a few for you to consider when you're weighing your decision of whether you should fork over tens of thousands of dollars in rent every year or build something you can call your own!
Less Expensive
Environmentally Friendly
Outdoor Exposure
If you're interested in building a small home, call us at UBuildIt! We love projects of any size or scope, and are excited about the possibilities of constructing functional small spaces for individuals or families looking to get back to basics. And by using UBuildIt, you'll not only be saving by minimizing your real estate, but also by saving 20 to 25 percent on average by acting as your own building consultant! We have a number of green building options and resources that would be perfectly suited to a small home plan, and we hope that you'll give us a call!