What is UBuildIt All about?

We’ve been around since 1988. In that time, we’ve performed over 14,300 projects and built $1-billion worth of homes. When you’ve been around the block as much as we have, the occasional bad review comes with the territory—no matter how high-quality you are. Below you will find a series of articles that reflect our position on bad reviews, whether or not UBuildIt is a scam, as well as other various topics we felt our customers would want addressed.

What Does UBuildIt Actually Do, Anyway?

Your 3 Options For Building a Custom Home

Would I Save Money By Not Hiring UBuildIt?

Understanding the Home Building Triangle

Speak Directly With UBuildIt Clients

Elephant in the Room

Does UBuildIt Build Cookie Cutter Homes

Does Building a Home with UBuildIt Save Money?

Your dream home, our experts, your instant equity.

Interested in becoming a part of our team? As a part of UBuildIt, you will get to coach homeowners and guide them through the entire process. Enjoy the satisfaction of seeing home building dreams come true and join our world class team today!