While finding or designing the perfect home plan for your family may seem like an easy first step, we can assure you, it's not. Many building or remodeling projects are over budget and behind schedule before they ever begin simply because too many people assume that developing a home plan is easy. When you discover and implement the "5 Secrets to Designing Home Plans that Fit Your Family", you will:
One family, already thousands over budget and months behind schedule, recently discovered these 5 secrets,
"If we had followed these steps to begin with we would have money in the bank and our project would be done. We didn't understand how important it was to plan for our home plan. Now that we know we tell everyone to stop and follow the steps."
Secret #1 - Defining Space Customizes Your Home for Your Family
When you want plans for your building or remodeling project, traditional advice tells you to start looking at home plan books and collecting pictures. While this approach will show you what you like, it really won't show you what you need. It's time to stop and think about the kind of spaces you and your family need and want. By defining your space needs, you can pre-customize your home. Start a journal and record your discoveries. Where you are now?
Who will live in the space?
Track your living patterns.
Ask your UBuildIt Consultant about our Dream Home or Dream Remodeling Planning Guides to help you define your space.
Secret #2 - Deciding Your Style Creates a Healthy, Happy Home
Amazing design and beautiful decor don't automatically provide you with functionality and efficiency. It's important to think about your family's interests, the company you keep, and your various needs in relation to hobbies, storage, and workspace. Compliment your family's lifestyle.
Create places for life to happen.
Know where you'll put your things.
Secret #3 - Determining Your Budget Balances Your Goals
A critical step in the plan development process is matching your dream home plans to your budget. One of the most common mistakes in creating a customized home plan is simply overlooking the available budget. Plan ahead so you don't find yourself having to cut corners when it's too late and too expensive. Consider your financial goals.
Compute your monthly payments.
Control your project costs.
Secret #4 - Directing Your Design Professional Saves You Money
Once you start identifying your family's needs and your ideas begin to develop, you'll need to look to a professional designer, architect, or other various custom home design resources. All custom homes require engineering and this step will help you convert your dreams into a hard copy, paper reality. Partner with a design professional.
Prepare for clear communication.
Plan together.
Secret #5 - Partnering with a UBuildIt Consultant Streamlines Your Time
Control your plan selection and design process.
Connect with qualified, competitive plan resources and professionals.
Capitalize on having an expert on your team.
Only you and your family will know what is right for you in your dream home. Taking the time to follow these steps and partnering with UBuildIt will give you the guidance you need to plan and build the home you want and need, on time and on budget.